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Menus, Marketing, & Management tips to grow your restaurant business.


Why Should You Have A Drink Menu?

Announce your drink offerings in style with a separate drink menu.

Drink menus are a staple in fine dining establishments and trendy restaurants. Even if you are a small cafe serving a few choices of wine, or a restaurant that serves standard cocktails like cranberry and vodka, you can benefits from separating your drink menu from your food menu.

Where are your drink listings now? Are they pushed to the back of your food menu? Are they displayed on a slightly tattered table tent? You may think that your drink choices are a distant second to your food choices, but time and time again successful restaurants prove that unique drink choices can be a high profit item.

But how to bring uniqueness to your drinks choices? When you move your drink menu out from the back of your food menu, you tell your customers that your drink menu is something special. Ordinary drinks are lumped in with the rest of the food items, but extraordinary offerings are pointed out with a separate menu. And, as an added bonus, you have more room for new dishes in your food men, without having to add multiple pages.

Seasonal trends are hot among the most fashionable restaurants and quaint cafes. Why not bring seasonality to your drinks menu? In the dead of winter, offer up warming cocktails like Irish Coffee and Moscow Mules, or spicy, hearty red wines like Zinfandels and Shiraz. To keep your customers cool in the hot summer months, serve up icy Prosecco or refreshing Mojitos. It's easy to swap out seasonal drinks with separate drinks menus—no need to reprint the entire menu.

Separate drink menus also benefit restaurants from an inventory management perspective. How often have you tried to order the perfect wine and been told that the restaurant was out? Be able to change your listings with a moment's notice and you won't end up with a disappointed customer.

A drink menu can be used to sell your nonalcoholic offerings as well, like fresh juice blends, virgin cocktails or even flavored sodas. Designated drivers, children and expectant mothers will thrill at being included in selecting and ordering a special drink. And if your restaurant doesn't serve alcohol, add a touch of unexpected class by providing a stand alone beverage menu.

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