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Menus, Marketing, & Management tips to grow your restaurant business.


How Rack Cards Can Help Your Restaurant

Rack Cards are an advertising tool commonly used by many restaurants. They are used to make customers aware of the specials the restaurant is having, new menu items or any other information the restaurant might want to pass on to a customer.

Read on to find out more about rack cards and how they can benefit business.

Rack Cards Benefits

Great Marketing: Rack cards are excellent for marketing, especially in a restaurant setting. When people are waiting for their food, there is no way they will miss out on seeing the rack card placed on their table. This means they will be aware of any new items and specials you are offering.

Non-Intrusive: People tend to dislike a hard marketing approach. A rack card is a non-intrusive way to make customers aware of your specials without having to shove the information down their throats.

Inexpensive: Rack Cards are relatively inexpensive to produce, especially if you keep to a simple design. When you consider the extra business they can bring in, the ROI is quite high.

Here’s what Eddie Lopez, owner of The Redwood Bar and Grill in Los Angeles, had to say about rack cards. “We have them on all our tables. They are a great way to let customers know about what we have to offer. Our revenue has increased since we started using them.”

How Restaurants Can Use Rack Cards

Rack cards are a great way to inform customers of the specials you are having, new food items or new business developments. Here are some examples of how they can be used.

To Advertise Specials: You can use your rack cards to advertise specials such as Kids Eat Free nights as well as buy one get one free and unlimited food offers.

New Food Items: If you just added a new and exciting item to your menu, let customers know about it by advertising it on your rack card.

Events: Does your restaurant have any events on the horizon? Perhaps you are hosting a live music night or a charity event. A rack card is a great way to let customers know they should be marking their calendars.

Causes: Businesses that support worthwhile causes tend to build a more loyal customer following. If your business supports any charities or incorporates sustainable methods into your operations, a rack card can be a great way to spread the word.

How To Clean Rack Cards

Because restaurant rack cards sit on a dining table, they often get dirty. Fortunately, they are easy to clean. Just use a soft damp cloth to wipe the outside surface. You can also apply a cleaning solution if necessary, as long as it's mild.

Then dry the cards with a soft cloth and store them in a dry area.

You can also protect your rack cards by putting them in a protective display case.

Getting the Most from Your Rack Cards

A rack card is a great way to advertise, but it will be most effective if you use an eye-catching design. Here are some tips for coming up with a rack card that will boost business.

Start by thinking of your company image. Design your rack cards using graphics that best portray that image. Include vibrant colors that represent your restaurant.

Don’t overcrowd your rack cards with a lot of images and text. Make sure they are easy to read and send a clear and concise message that gets your point across.

It is a great practice to display your social media tags on rack cards and encourage your guests to follow, possibly even using a QR codes to make it easier for them to do so.

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