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Menus, Marketing, & Management tips to grow your restaurant business.


How Restaurants Can Use Sandwich Boards

Having gone out of style at some point over the course of time, Sandwich Boards, otherwise known as A-frame signs, have made a comeback. Sandwich boards are now increasing in popularity all over the country. Known for their versatility, small town feel, and effective advertising, A-frame signs are an excellent addition to any marketing strategy. There are many reasons why restaurants are choosing sandwich boards for their place of business.

How Restaurants Can Use Sandwich Boards

There are a variety of ways to use A-frame signs. They can be creative and artsy, or they can be used to convey information in a more matter-of fact tone. The signs can easily be designed to match the theme of your restaurant. Some ways other businesses have successfully used sandwich boards are:

Advertising Specials A quick way to detour any hungry passer-by into a restaurant is to ensure him of a $5.99 hamburger.

Penning eye-catching quotes or sayings. A coffee shop known for this strategy changes theirs out daily. The most recent one read, “We don’t have WiFi. Pretend like it’s 1985 and talk to each other.”

Communicating important information. This is especially useful right now during the Covid-19 pandemic. An owner of a meat market in Missouri uses her chalkboard A-frame sign to let her customers know what to expect during this time. “We use our sandwich board to inform our customers they can come inside or that we will come to them if that makes them more comfortable,” the owner said.

Making your customers feel at home. Many businesses use their sandwich boards to welcome their customers to their restaurant, helping their clientele feel more at ease once they are inside.

Do Sandwich Boards Work?

A-frame signs excel at what they are designed to do: detour foot traffic into your restaurant or cafe while adding to its decor and charm.

Studies show that sandwich boards can increase foot traffic by an average of 10%. A study done by the University of San Diego found that any business that used second signage as part of their marketing campaign saw an increase in yearly revenue by 4.75%. A-Frame signs are eye catching, because they are different. Our eyes naturally glide past most signage due to overuse, but sandwich boards are just quaint enough to catch the attention of even the most hurried patron.

Ease of Use

Restaurants can easily change out the message on a sandwich board by removing the printed element. These signs are not affected by weather and, due to the ease at which they can be brought inside at closing, are rarely subject to vandalism.

No matter what you serve or how you serve it, sandwich boards are an effective, inexpensive way to get your message across to your customers. They are both classic and trendy, serve multiple purposes, and are an attractive addition to your existing storefront.

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