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Menus, Marketing, & Management tips to grow your restaurant business.


How Stickers Can Add Value to your Restaurant's Delivery and Takeout

Restaurant stickers and labels can be a great way to brand your takeout, offer product descriptions, customize food labels and also adjust your restaurant's messaging on the fly. Nowadays, restaurants are looking for messaging versatility especially with the ongoing COVID-19 situation. Stickers might be a small investment, but they deliver big benefits.

One great way to utilize stickers is to find ways to brand takeout orders. Custom stickers create an opportunity to attach a restaurants logo and build brand awareness every time a takeout package leaves the restaurant. QR codes can also be added along with takeout materials, posters, flyers, table tents, business cards. QR codes can easily be stuck to bags or inserts and can make it easy for customers to scan and gain touchless ordering.

Stickers for Contactless Delivery

During COVID-19, the need for contactless delivery is on the rise and restaurants are staying ahead of the trend with many turning to contactless delivery to help protect their customers and their employees by reducing virus transmission opportunities that may occur through normal restaurant interactions.

With restaurants taking the extra initiative to deliver orders in clean, disinfected packaging, stickers can be an additional extra safety measure and a way to thank your customers for their support. Restaurants can also reassure them of the restaurants’ commitment by taking extra safety precautions with their order. Another tip marketing pros suggest is to place upcoming specials and coupon stickers or inserts on or inside delivery packaging to encourage further orders.

Labels to Inform and Entice Orders

Labels can be an easy way to tag each takeout order with a customer's name and the description of the entree or drink, plus include information on upcoming specials. Customized grab-n-go labels can also be used to identify takeout items and highlight their descriptions.

Labels can be used to post safety policies especially in light of COVID-19 restrictions and guidelines. These labels allow restaurants to direct their customers to the right entrances and exits, mark off social distancing spots, remind patrons to wear a mask, and other type of safety protocols.

Food rotation labels

Another great option for communicating important details within the restaurant and between staff is by using removable food rotation labels. Restaurant food label stickers are easy to place onto almost any type of flat surface and can be removed and re-adjusted when needed. These types of labels don’t leave leftover residue behind when removed. The labels are pre-printed on semi-gloss paper to provide removable food storage labels that are easy to use. Categories allow restaurants to mark removable days of the week, use by or prep dates, 5 day rotation and a color coding system for quick referencing. Day labels can be ordered with information in either English or Spanish.

You are able to write on these restaurant food label stickers using a sharpie pen or sharpie marker. Write initials, exact dates and fill in important information for your restaurant/kitchen. We also have cold temp labels if you are looking for permanent adhesive freezer storage labels.

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